Marriage Resources
Mutual Submission.
In Ephesians 5, God calls us live in mutual submission. Godly submission is not something we demand from our spouse, but something we voluntarily give to our spouse. Read Living in Mutual Submission Part 1 and Part 2, sermons by Dr. Eugene Boe, Research Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology for the Lutheran Brethren Seminary in Fergus Falls, MN.
Divorce and Remarriage.
Since the creation of the first couple, Adam and Eve, God intended marriage to be the most binding of relationships, based on voluntary submission to God and each other. For the Christian, marital love is expressed through a submissive and sacrificial attitude. And although God hates divorce, because of sin, divorce does happen. Read Applying Law & Gospel to Divorce & Remarriage by Pastor Jim Rademaker for more insight.
We at Hope Lutheran Brethren Church believe that the standards for sexual morality must be consistent with Scripture. For more information, read the Statement on Sexuality from the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.
The Drama Triangle
If you often find yourself in self-defeating/self-serving roles or relationships, you may be stuck in what is called the Drama Triangle. Psychologist Dr. Stephen Karpman coined the term in the 1960’s to describe the interplay of three dysfunctional roles - the victim, the rescuer, and the persecutor. For an Overview of the Drama Triangle, read the summary by Lynne Forrest. For more information, read When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.